Protocol review

Many cancer treatment protocols are built on outdated science or incomplete information. A second look can reveal missed opportunities to improve outcomes.

If you've received a treatment plan elsewhere — whether conventional, integrative, or alternative, and you're wondering if it’s truly the best you can do, our service offers an unbiased, science-grounded second opinion.

We’ll carefully review your existing protocol against the latest evidence in oncology, looking for missed opportunities or areas for potential optimization. If we find no room for meaningful improvement, you’ll get your money back.

Book a protocol review with our team

Feel free to choose a time from our calendar.

We will approve your appointment via email.

Disclaimer: Our coaching services are designed to provide general guidance and support. We do not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any medical concerns or conditions, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before engaging in our coaching services. Our coaches are not licensed medical professionals, and the information provided should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. By booking our coaching services, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer.