Integrative Clinic Consulting
The science incorporated by many of these clinics is extensive and continually evolving. Unless you've had years to delve into research, comparing approaches might be challenging. Additionally, these clinics can be costly, and obtaining transparency on outcomes can be a bit overwhelming.
“I’ve made it my life aim to help solve this problem for patients. My objective is to be independent from the choice, scientifically literate enough to explain the science behind all the treatments.”
— Mark Sean Taylor
Book an appointment with Mark Sean Taylor
Review of information sent by email - Please provide information on previous, current and future treatments expected with your conventional and existing integrative doctors. Size and location of current tumours and trend of any key markers like tumour markers, inflammation and liver enzymes.
60 min call going providing you insights and observations from clinics plus two weeks follow up by messaging
A detailed review can be carried out taking into account various aspects of your case, including financial health, existing resistance to integrative therapies, willingness to travel, preferences for spending time in different locations worldwide, and creative ideas for fundraising.
Disclaimer: Our coaching services are designed to provide general guidance and support. We do not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any medical concerns or conditions, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before engaging in our coaching services. Our coaches are not licensed medical professionals, and the information provided should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. By booking our coaching services, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer.